Salmon site


I worked on salmon for my graduate studies at the University of Washington and also as a postdoc at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I have continued to collaborate on salmon projects but didn’t have a student focusing primarily on salmonids until Krista Oke, who is currently finishing her PhD in my lab. Stayed tuned for her forthcoming papers. In addition, I have recently collaborated on a number of projects with Jacques Labonne at INRA in France, with one of the projects being in the Kerguelen Island. Most recently, I have started collaborative projects with Stephanie Carlson and Sebastien Nussle at the University of California Berkeley.

Some very recent publications:

Gauthey, Z., A.P. Hendry, A. Elosegi, C. Tentelier, and J. Labonne. 2016. The context dependence of assortative mating: a demonstration with conspecific salmonid populations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. In press.

Labonne, J., R. Kaeuffer, F. Guéraud, M. Zhou, A. Manicki, and A. P. Hendry. 2016. From the bare minimum: genetics and selection in populations founded by only a few parents. Evolutionary Ecology Research 17:21–34. PDF

Key publications:

Carlson, S.M., T.P. Quinn, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Eco-evolutionary dynamics in Pacific salmon. Heredity 106:438-447. PDF

Hendry, A.P., and R. Waples (Editors). 2008. Evolutionary perspectives on salmonid conservation and management. Evolutionary Applications 1:183-423.

Hendry, A.P., and S.C. Stearns (Editors). 2004. Evolution illuminated: salmon and their relatives. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. 510 pp. INFO


1. Evolution of egg size and number

Theory and empirical tests for factors that influence the evolution of egg size and number.  Related publications

2. Reproductive energetics and senescence

The role that energy limitations play in the evolution of life history, morphology, behavior, and senescence.  Related publications

3. Bear predation

The role of bear predation in the evolution of salmon life history, morphology, behavior, and senescence.  Related publications

4. Adaptive divergence, reproductive isolation, and rates of evolution

The adaptive divergence of organisms introduced to divergent selective environments (contemporary evolution), and the role that adaptive divergence has on the evolution of reproductive isolation (often called “ecological speciation”). Related publications

5. Natural selection acting on stream-dwelling Atlantic salmon in a restoration program

Efforts to restore populations to locations from which they have been extirpated may be hampered by mal-adapation in the introduced group (because they came from a different environment). Estimates of natural selection acing on the new population can be used to deduce mal-adapation and tailor efforts to reduce its effects. We estimated natural selection acting on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) undergoing restoration to the Connecticut River, U.S.A. PDF

6. Miscellaneous

     Symposium: Reproductive success in salmonids

     Popular article: At the end of the run

     Images of salmon

    Charles Darwin on salmon.

    George Williams on salmon.

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