Hendry lab publications by students/postdocs based on research during their time in the Hendry lab.

Click on the picture to see the papers

Daniel Berner


Description: Description: Daniel 3

Maryse Boisjoly


Description: Description: Maryse

Crisitan Correa


Description: Description: cristian1

Erika Crispo


Description: Description: Erika small


Lari Delaire


Description: Description: delaire


Luis De Leon


 Description: Description: Luis small


Joey DiBattista


Description: Description: Joey small


Swanne Gordon


Description: Description: swanne small


Kiyoko Gotanda


Description: Description: kiyoko2


Ben Haller


Description: Description: BenBrazil08



Renaud Kaeuffer


Description: Description: renaud 2


Jacques Labonne


Description: Description: http://www.bordeaux-aquitaine.inra.fr/var/bordeaux-aquitaine/storage/fckeditor/file/JacquesLabonne.png


Ann McKellar


Description: Description: mckellar



Nathan Millar


Description: Description: Nate small



Jean-Sébastien Moore


Description: Description: JS small


Joost Raeymaekers


Description: Description: Joost

Katja Räsänen


Description: Description: Katjafromabove small

Gregor Rolshausen


Description: Description: gregor

Amy Schwartz


Description: Description: Amy small

Xavier Thibert-Plante


Description: Description: xavierMSI1


And …

undergrad papers here





Daniel Berner – Postdoc (recent work conducted by collaboration)


Roesti, M., S. Gavrilets, A.P. Hendry, W. Salzburger, and D. Berner. In press. The genomic signature of parallel adaptation from shared genetic variation. Molecular Ecology.


Roesti, M., A.P. Hendry, W. Salzburger, and D. Berner. 2012. Genome divergence during evolutionary diversification revealed in replicate lake-stream stickleback population pairs. Molecular Ecology 21:2852-2862.


Berner, D., R. Kaeuffer, A.-C. Grandchamp, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, K. Räsänen, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Quantitative genetic inheritance of morphological divergence in a lake-stream stickleback ecotype pair: implications for reproductive isolation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:1975-1983.


Berner, D., M. Roesti, A.P. Hendry, and W. Salzburger. 2010. Constraints on speciation suggested by comparing lake-stream stickleback divergence across two continents. Molecular Ecology 19:4963-4978.


Raeymaekers, J.A.M., M. Boisjoly, L. Delaire, D. Berner, K. Räsänen, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Testing for mating isolation between ecotypes: laboratory experiments with lake, stream, and hybrid stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23:2694-2798.


Hendry, A. P., D. I. Bolnick, D. Berner, and C. L. Peichel. 2009. Along the speciation continuum in stickleback. Journal of Fish Biology 75:2000-2036.


Berner, D. 2009. Correction of a bootstrap approach to testing for evolution along lines of least resistance. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22:2563–2565.


Crispo, E., J.D. DiBattista, C. Correa, X. Thibert-Plante, A.E. McKellar, A.K. Schwartz, D. Berner, L.F. De León, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. The evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to anthropogenic disturbance. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12:47-66.


Berner, D., A.-C. Grandchamp, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Variable progress toward ecological speciation in parapatry: stickleback across eight lake-stream transitions. Evolution 63:1740-1753.


Berner, D., D.C. Adams, A.-C. Grandchamp, and A.P. Hendry. 2008. Natural selection drives patterns of lake-stream divergence in stickleback foraging morphology. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21:1653-1665.


Sharpe, D.M.T., K. Räsänen, D. Berner, A.P. Hendry. 2008. Genetic and environmental contributions to the morphology of lake and stream stickleback: implications for gene flow and reproductive isolation. Evolutionary Ecology Research 10:849-866.


Maryse Boisjoly – MSc


Raeymaekers, J.A.M., M. Boisjoly, L. Delaire, D. Berner, K. Räsänen, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Testing for mating isolation between ecotypes: laboratory experiments with lake, stream, and hybrid stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23:2694-2798.


Cristian Correa – PhD


Correa, C., A. Bravo, and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Reciprocal trophic niche shifts in native and invasive fish: salmonids and galaxiids in Patagonian lakes. Freshwater Biology 57:1769-1781.


Correa, C., and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Invasive salmonids and lake order interact in the decline of puye grande Galaxias platei in western Patagonia lakes. Ecological Applications 22:828-842.


Palkovacs, E.P., M.T. Kinnison, C. Correa, C.M. Dalton, and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Fates beyond traits: ecological consequences of human-induced trait change. Evolutionary Applications 5:183-191.


Crispo, E., J.D. DiBattista, C. Correa, X. Thibert-Plante, A.E. McKellar, A.K. Schwartz, D. Berner, L.F. De León, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. The evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to anthropogenic disturbance. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12:47-66.


Correa, C., and M.R. Gross. 2008. Chinook salmon invade southern South America. Biological Invasions 10:615-639.


Erika Crispo – MSc and PhD (co-supervised)


Hendry, A.P., R. Kaeuffer, E. Crispo, C.L. Peichel, and D.I. Bolnick. 2013. Evolutionary inferences from the analysis of exchangeability. Evolution 67:3429-3441.


Crispo, E., J.S. Moore, J. Lee-Yaw, S.M. Gray, and B.C. Haller. 2011. Broken barriers: Human-induced changes to gene flow and introgression in animals. BioEssays 33:508-518.


Crispo, E., and L.J. Chapman. 2011. Hypoxia drives plastic divergence in stickleback body shape. Evolutionary Ecology 25:949-964.


Crispo, E., and L.J. Chapman. 2010. Geographic variation in phenotypic plasticity in response to dissolved oxygen in an African cichlid fish. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23:2091-2103.


Crispo, E. 2010. Temporal variation in the population genetic structure of a riverine African cichlid fish. Journal of Heredity 101:97-106.


Crispo, E., J.D. DiBattista, C. Correa, X. Thibert-Plante, A.E. McKellar, A.K. Schwartz, D. Berner, L.F. De León, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. The evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to anthropogenic disturbance. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12:47-66.


Crispo, E. 2008. The modifying effects of phenotypic plasticity on interactions among natural selection, adaptation, and gene flow. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21:1460-1469.


Crispo, E., and L.J. Chapman. 2008. Population genetic structure across dissolved oxygen regimes in an African cichlid fish. Molecular Ecology 17: 2134-2148.


Crispo, E. 2007. The Baldwin effect and genetic assimilation: revisiting two mechanisms of evolutionary change mediated by phenotypic plasticity. Evolution 61:2469-2479.


Crispo, E., C. Hagen, T. Glenn, G. Geneau, and L.J. Chapman. 2007. Isolation and characterization of tetranucleotide microsatellite markers in a mouth-brooding haplochromine cichlid fish (Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor victoriae) from Uganda. Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 1293-1295.


Crispo, E., P. Bentzen, D.N. Reznick, M.T. Kinnison, and A.P. Hendry. 2006. The relative influence of natural selection and geography on gene flow in guppies. Molecular Ecology.


Crispo, E., and A.P. Hendry. 2005. Does time since colonization influence isolation by distance? A meta-analysis. Conservation Genetics 6: 665-682.


Patterson, I.G., E. Crispo, M.T. Kinnison, A.P. Hendry, and P. Bentzen. 2005. Characterization of tetranucleotide microsatellite markers in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Molecular Ecology Notes 5:269-271.


Lari Delaire – MSc


Gotanda, K.M., L.C. DeLaire, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, F. Pérez-Jvostov, F. Dargent, P. Bentzen, M.E. Scott, G.F. Fussmann, and A.P. Hendry. 2013. Adding parasites to the guppy-predation story: insights from field surveys. Oecologia 172:155-166.


Raeymaekers, J.A.M., M. Boisjoly, L. Delaire, D. Berner, K. Räsänen, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Testing for mating isolation between ecotypes: laboratory experiments with lake, stream, and hybrid stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23:2694-2798.


Raeymaekers, J.A.M., L. Delaire, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Genetically-based differences in nest characteristics between lake, inlet, and hybrid threespine stickleback from the Misty system, British Columbia, Canada. Evolutionary Ecology Research 11:905–919.


Luis De Leon – PhD (cosupervised)


De León, L. F., J. Podos, T. Gardezi, A. Herrel, and A.P. Hendry. 2014. Darwin’s finches and their diet niches: the sympatric co-existence of imperfect generalists. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27:1093-1104.


De León, L. F., G. Rolshausen, E. Bermingham, J. Podos, and A. P. Hendry. 2012. Individual specialization and the seeds of adaptive radiation in Darwin’s finches. Evolutionary Ecology Research 14:365-380


De León, L.F., J.A.M. Raeymaekers, E. Bermingham, J. Podos, A. Herrel, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Exploring possible human influences on the evolution of Darwin’s finches. Evolution 65:2258-2272.


De León, L.F., E. Bermingham, J. Podos, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Divergence with gene flow as facilitated by ecological differences: within-island variation in Darwin’s finches. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. B. Biological Sciences 365:1041–1052.


Crispo, E., J.D. DiBattista, C. Correa, X. Thibert-Plante, A.E. McKellar, A.K. Schwartz, D. Berner, L.F. De León, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. The evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to anthropogenic disturbance. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12:47-66.


Hendry, A.P., S.K. Huber, L. De León, A. Herrel, and J. Podos. 2009. Disruptive selection in a bimodal population of Darwin’s finches. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences 276:753-759.


Huber, S.K., L.F. De León, A.P. Hendry, E. Bermingham, and J. Podos. 2007. Reproductive isolation of sympatric morphs in a population of Darwin’s finches. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences 274:1709-1714.


Joseph DiBattista – PhD


Feldheim, K.A., S.H. Gruber, J.D. DiBattista, E.A. Babcock, S.A. Kessel, A.P. Hendry, E.K. Pikitch, M.V. Ashley, and D.D. Chapman. 2014. Two decades of genetic profiling yields first evidence of natal philopatry and long-term fidelity to parturition sites in sharks. Molecular Ecology 23:111-117.


DiBattista, J.D., K.A. Feldheim, D. Garant, S.H. Gruber, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Anthropogenic disturbance and evolutionary parameters: a lemon shark population experiencing habitat loss. Evolutionary Applications 4:1-17.


Siepielski, A.M., J.D. DiBattista, and S.M. Carlson. 2009. It’s about time: the temporal dynamics of phenotypic selection in the wild. Ecology Letters 12:1-16.


Crispo, E., J.D. DiBattista, C. Correa, X. Thibert-Plante, A.E. McKellar, A.K. Schwartz, D. Berner, L.F. De León, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. The evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to anthropogenic disturbance. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12:47-66.


DiBattista, J.D., K.A. Feldheim, D. Garant, S.H. Gruber, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Evolutionary potential of a large marine vertebrate: quantitative genetic parameters in a wild population. Evolution 63:1051-1067.


DiBattista, J.D., K.A. Feldheim, S.H. Gruber, and A.P. Hendry. 2008a. Are indirect genetic benefits associated with polyandry? Testing predictions in a natural population of lemon sharks. Molecular Ecology 17:783-795.


DiBattista, J.D., K.A. Feldheim, X. Thibert-Plante, S.H. Gruber, and A.P. Hendry. 2008b. A genetic assessment of polyandry and breeding site fidelity in lemon sharks. Molecular Ecology 17:3337-3351.


DiBattista, J. 2008. Patterns of genetic variation in anthropogenically impacted populations. Conservation Genetics 9:141-156.


DiBattista, J.D., K.A. Feldheim, S.H. Gruber, and A.P. Hendry. 2007. When bigger is not better: selection against large size, high condition, and fast growth in juvenile lemon sharks. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20:201-212.


Swanne Gordon – MSc


Easty, L.K., A.K. Schwartz, S.P. Gordon, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Does sexual selection evolve following introduction to new environments? Animal Behavior 82:1085-1095.


Weese, D., S. Gordon, A.P. Hendry, and M.T. Kinnison. 2010. Spatiotemporal variation in linear natural selection on body color in wild guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Evolution 64:1802-1815.


Gordon, S.P., D.N. Reznick, M.T. Kinnison, M.J. Bryant, D.J. Weese, K. Räsänen, N.P. Millar, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Adaptive changes in life history and survival following a new guppy introduction. American Naturalist 174:34-45.


Karim, N., S.P. Gordon, A.K. Schwartz, and A.P. Hendry. 2007. This is not déjà vu all over again: male guppy colour in a new experimental introduction. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20:1339-1350.


Kiyoko Gotanda – PhD


Gotanda, K.M., and A.P. Hendry. 2014. Using adaptive traits to consider potential consequences of temporal variation in selection: male guppy colour through time and space. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 112:108-122.


Siepielski, A.M., K.M. Gotanda, M.M. Morrissey, S.E. Diamond, J.D. DiBattista, and S.M. Carlson. 2013. The spatial patterns of directional phenotypic selection. Ecology Letters 16:1382-1392.


Gotanda, K.M., L.C. DeLaire, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, F. Pérez-Jvostov, F. Dargent, P. Bentzen, M.E. Scott, G.F. Fussmann, and A.P. Hendry. 2013. Adding parasites to the guppy-predation story: insights from field surveys. Oecologia 172:155-166.


Haller, B.C., L.F. De León, G. Rolshausen, K.M. Gotanda, and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Magic traits: distinguishing the important from the trivial. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 27:4-5


Ben Haller – PhD


Haller, B. C., J. M. de Vos, B. Keller, A. P. Hendry, and E. Conti. 2014. A tale of two morphs: Modeling pollen transfer, magic traits, and reproductive isolation in parapatry. PLoS ONE 9:e106512.


Haller, B.C., and A.P. Hendry. 2014. Solving the paradox of stasis: squashed stabilizing selection and the limits of detection. Evolution 68:483-500.


Nowak, M.D., B.C. Haller, A.D. Yoder. 2014. The founding of Mauritian endemic coffee trees by a synchronous long-distance dispersal event. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27(6), 1229–1239.


Haller, B.C., R. Mazzucco, and U. Dieckmann. 2013. Evolutionary branching in complex landscapes. American Naturalist 182: E127-E141.


Haller, B.C., L.F. De León, G. Rolshausen, K.M. Gotanda, and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Magic traits: distinguishing the important from the trivial. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 27:4-5


Crispo, E., J.S. Moore, J. Lee-Yaw, S.M. Gray, and B.C. Haller. 2011. Broken barriers: Human-induced changes to gene flow and introgression in animals. BioEssays 33:508-518.


Renaud Kaeuffer – Postdoc


Hendry, A.P., R. Kaeuffer, E. Crispo, C.L. Peichel, and D.I. Bolnick. 2013. Evolutionary inferences from the analysis of exchangeability. Evolution 67:3429-3441.


Kaeuffer, R., Peichel, C.L., D. Bolnick, and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Parallel and non-parallel aspects of ecological, phenotypic, and genetic divergence across replicate population pairs of lake and stream stickleback. Evolution 66:402-418.


Berner, D., R. Kaeuffer, A.-C. Grandchamp, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, K. Räsänen, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Quantitative genetic inheritance of morphological divergence in a lake-stream stickleback ecotype pair: implications for reproductive isolation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:1975-1983.


Jacques Labonne – Postdoc


Labonne, J., and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Natural selection can giveth and taketh away reproductive barriers: models of population divergence in guppies. American Naturalist 176:26-39.


Ann McKellar – MSc


McKellar, A.E., and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Environmental factors influencing adult sex ratio in Poecilia reticulata: laboratory experiments. Journal of Fish Biology 79:937-953.


Crispo, E., J.D. DiBattista, C. Correa, X. Thibert-Plante, A.E. McKellar, A.K. Schwartz, D. Berner, L.F. De León, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. The evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to anthropogenic disturbance. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12:47-66.


McKellar, A.E., and A.P. Hendry. 2009. How humans differ from other animals in their levels of morphological variation. PLoS ONE 4:e6876.


McKellar, A.E., M.M. Turcotte, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Environmental factors influencing adult sex ratio in Trinidadian guppies. Oecologia 159:735-745.


Nate Millar – undergrad and MSc


Millar, N.P., and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Population divergence of private and non-private signals in wild guppies. Environmental Biology of Fishes 94:513-525. PDF


Gordon, S.P., D.N. Reznick, M.T. Kinnison, M.J. Bryant, D.J. Weese, K. Räsänen, N.P. Millar, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Adaptive changes in life history and survival following a new guppy introduction. American Naturalist 174:34-45.


Albert, A.Y.K., N.P. Millar, and D. Schluter. 2007. Character displacement of male nuptial colour in threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91:37-48.


Millar, N.M., D.N. Reznick, M.T. Kinnison, and A.P. Hendry. 2006. Disentangling the selective factors that act on male coloration in wild guppies. Oikos 113:1-12.


Jean-Sébastien Moore – undergrad and MSc


Baker, J.A., K. Räsänen, J.-S. Moore, and A.P. Hendry. 2013. Genetic and plastic contributions to trait divergence between parapatric habitats: female life-history traits in threespine stickleback from the Misty Lake system. Evolutionary Ecology Research 15:473-487.


Crispo, E., J.S. Moore, J. Lee-Yaw, S.M. Gray, and B.C. Haller. 2011. Broken barriers: Human-induced changes to gene flow and introgression in animals. BioEssays 33:508-518.


Moore, J.-S., and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Can gene flow have negative demographic consequences? Mixed evidence from stream threespine stickleback. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences 364:1533-1542.


Moore, J.-S., J.L. Gow, E.B. Taylor, and A.P. Hendry. 2007. Quantifying the constraining influence of gene flow on adaptive divergence in the lake-stream threespine stickleback system. Evolution 61:2015-2026.


Moore, J.-S., and A.P. Hendry. 2005. Both selection and gene flow are necessary to explain adaptive divergence: evidence from clinal variation in stream stickleback. Evolutionary Ecology Research 7:871-886.


Joost Raeymaekers - Postdoc


Gotanda, K.M., L.C. DeLaire, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, F. Pérez-Jvostov, F. Dargent, P. Bentzen, M.E. Scott, G.F. Fussmann, and A.P. Hendry. 2013. Adding parasites to the guppy-predation story: insights from field surveys. Oecologia 172:155-166.


Berner, D., R. Kaeuffer, A.-C. Grandchamp, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, K. Räsänen, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Quantitative genetic inheritance of morphological divergence in a lake-stream stickleback ecotype pair: implications for reproductive isolation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:1975-1983.


De León, L.F., J.A.M. Raeymaekers, E. Bermingham, J. Podos, A. Herrel, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Exploring possible human influences on the evolution of Darwin’s finches. Evolution 65:2258-2272.


Raeymaekers, J.A.M., M. Boisjoly, L. Delaire, D. Berner, K. Räsänen, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Testing for mating isolation between ecotypes: laboratory experiments with lake, stream, and hybrid stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23:2694-2798.


Raeymaekers, J.A.M., L. Delaire, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Genetically-based differences in nest characteristics between lake, inlet, and hybrid threespine stickleback from the Misty system, British Columbia, Canada. Evolutionary Ecology Research 11:905–919.


Katja Räsänen - Postdoc


Räsänen, K., and A.P. Hendry. 2014. Asymmetric reproductive barriers and mosaic reproductive isolation: insights from Misty lake-stream stickleback. Ecology and Evolution 4:1166-1175.


Baker, J.A., K. Räsänen, J.-S. Moore, and A.P. Hendry. 2013. Genetic and plastic contributions to trait divergence between parapatric habitats: female life-history traits in threespine stickleback from the Misty Lake system. Evolutionary Ecology Research 15:473-487.


Räsänen, K., M. Delcourt, L.J. Chapman, and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Divergent selection and then what not: the puzzle of missing reproductive isolation in Misty lake and stream stickleback. International Journal of Ecology. Article ID 902438.


Berner, D., R. Kaeuffer, A.-C. Grandchamp, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, K. Räsänen, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Quantitative genetic inheritance of morphological divergence in a lake-stream stickleback ecotype pair: implications for reproductive isolation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:1975-1983.


Hendry, A.P., K. Hudson, J.A. Walker, K. Räsänen, and L. Chapman. 2011. Genetic divergence in morphology-performance mapping between Misty Lake and inlet stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:23-35.


Raeymaekers, J.A.M., M. Boisjoly, L. Delaire, D. Berner, K. Räsänen, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Testing for mating isolation between ecotypes: laboratory experiments with lake, stream, and hybrid stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23:2694-2798.


Gordon, S.P., D.N. Reznick, M.T. Kinnison, M.J. Bryant, D.J. Weese, K. Räsänen, N.P. Millar, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Adaptive changes in life history and survival following a new guppy introduction. American Naturalist 174:34-45.


Räsänen, K., and A.P. Hendry. 2008. Disentangling interactions between adaptive divergence and gene flow when ecology drives diversification. Ecology Letters 11:624-626.


Delcourt, M., K. Räsänen, and A.P. Hendry. 2008. Genetic and plastic components of divergent male inter-sexual behavior in Misty lake/stream stickleback. Behavioral Ecology. doi:10.1093/beheco/arn084


Sharpe, D.M.T., K. Räsänen, D. Berner, A.P. Hendry. 2008. Genetic and environmental contributions to the morphology of lake and stream stickleback: implications for gene flow and reproductive isolation. Evolutionary Ecology Research 10:849-866.


Gregor Rolshausen - Postdoc


De León, L. F., G. Rolshausen, E. Bermingham, J. Podos, and A. P. Hendry. 2012. Individual specialization and the seeds of adaptive radiation in Darwin’s finches. Evolutionary Ecology Research 14:365-380.


Haller, B.C., L.F. De León, G. Rolshausen, K.M. Gotanda, and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Magic traits: distinguishing the important from the trivial. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 27:4-5


Amy Schwartz – MSc and PhD


Easty, L.K., A.K. Schwartz, S.P. Gordon, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Does sexual selection evolve following introduction to new environments? Animal Behavior 82:1085-1095.


Weese, D.J., A.K. Schwartz, P. Bentzen, A.P. Hendry, and M.T. Kinnison. 2011. Eco-evolutionary effects on population recovery following catastrophic disturbance. Evolutionary Applications 4:354-366.


Schwartz, A.K., D.J. Weese, P. Bentzen, M.T. Kinnison, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Both geography and ecology contribute to mating isolation in guppies. PLoS ONE 5:e15659.


Schwartz, A.K., and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Testing the influence of local forest canopy clearing on phenotypic variation in Trinidadian guppies. Functional Ecology 24:354–364.


Crispo, E., J.D. DiBattista, C. Correa, X. Thibert-Plante, A.E. McKellar, A.K. Schwartz, D. Berner, L.F. De León, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. The evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to anthropogenic disturbance. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12:47-66.


Karim, N., S.P. Gordon, A.K. Schwartz, and A.P. Hendry. 2007. This is not déjà vu all over again: male guppy colour in a new experimental introduction. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20:1339-1350.


Schwartz, A.K., and A.P. Hendry. 2007. A test for the parallel co-evolution of male colour and female preference in Trinidadian guppies. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9:71-90.


Schwartz, A.K., and A.P. Hendry. 2006. Sexual selection and the detection of ecological speciation. Evolutionary Ecology Research 8:399-413.


Xavier Thibert-Plante – PhD


Thibert-Plante, X., and A.P. Hendry. 2011a. Factors influencing progress toward ecological speciation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:2186-2196.


Thibert-Plante, X., and A.P. Hendry. 2011b. The consequences of phenotypic plasticity for ecological speciation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:326-342.


Thibert-Plante, X., and A.P. Hendry. 2010. When can ecological speciation be detected with neutral loci? Molecular Ecology 19:2301-2314.


Crispo, E., J.D. DiBattista, C. Correa, X. Thibert-Plante, A.E. McKellar, A.K. Schwartz, D. Berner, L.F. De León, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. The evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to anthropogenic disturbance. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12:47-66.


Thibert-Plante, X., and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Five questions on ecological speciation addressed with individual-based simulations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22:109-123.


DiBattista, J.D., K.A. Feldheim, X. Thibert-Plante, S.H. Gruber, and A.P. Hendry. 2008. A genetic assessment of polyandry and breeding site fidelity in lemon sharks. Molecular Ecology 17:3337-3351.




Räsänen, K., M. Delcourt, L.J. Chapman, and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Divergent selection and then what not: the puzzle of missing reproductive isolation in Misty lake and stream stickleback. International Journal of Ecology. Article ID 902438.


Easty, L.K., A.K. Schwartz, S.P. Gordon, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Does sexual selection evolve following introduction to new environments? Animal Behavior 82:1085-1095.


Hendry, A.P., K. Hudson, J.A. Walker, K. Räsänen, and L. Chapman. 2011. Genetic divergence in morphology-performance mapping between Misty Lake and inlet stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:23-35.


McKellar, A.E., M.M. Turcotte, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Environmental factors influencing adult sex ratio in Trinidadian guppies. Oecologia 159:735-745.


Sharpe, D.M.T., and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Life history change in commercially exploited fish stocks: an analysis of trends across studies. Evolutionary Application 2:260–275


Sharpe, D.M.T., K. Räsänen, D. Berner, A.P. Hendry. 2008. Genetic and environmental contributions to the morphology of lake and stream stickleback: implications for gene flow and reproductive isolation. Evolutionary Ecology Research 10:849-866.


Foster, D., J. Podos, and A.P. Hendry. 2008. A geometric morphometric appraisal of beak shape in Darwin’s finches. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21:263-275.


Hendry, A.P., T. Farrugia, and M.T. Kinnison. 2008. Human influences on rates of phenotypic change in wild animal populations. Molecular Ecology 17:20-29.


Delcourt, M., K. Räsänen, and A.P. Hendry. 2008. Genetic and plastic components of divergent male inter-sexual behavior in Misty lake/stream stickleback. Behavioral Ecology 19:1217-1224.


Karim, N., S.P. Gordon, A.K. Schwartz, and A.P. Hendry. 2007. This is not déjà vu all over again: male guppy colour in a new experimental introduction. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20:1339-1350.


Hendry, A.P., M.L. Kelly, M.T. Kinnison, and D.N. Reznick. 2006. Parallel evolution of the sexes? Effects of predation and habitat features on the size and shape of wild guppies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19:741-754.




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