
Photos: guppy color diversity within and between sites – each photograph is of five males from a given site.

Our guppy work is following three different lines of investigation. First, we investigate how natural selection, gene flow, and adaptation interact in natural populations. Second, we investigate how adaptive divergence leads to the evolution of reproductive isolation through mate choice experiments in the laboratory. Third, we examine host-parasite co-evolutionary dynamics in guppies, and the resulting consequences for community and ecosystem level processes.

Trinidad field work – video montage:


·       Journeys in Search of Tiny Fish


Some of our guppy/Trinidad blog posts:

·       Impossible realities

·       Guppies, body condition, and parasitism

·       Guppies, predators, and parasites

·       Trinidad on my mind: of guppies, snakes, dogs, and testicles

·       Sex trips death in the dance of speciation



·       Trinidad 2016 expedition

·       Trinidad 2014 expedition

·       Trinidad 2013 expedition

·       Other Trinidad pictures




1.          Lighten, J., A.S.T. Papadopulos, R.S. Mohammed, B.J. Ward, I. Paterson, L. Baillie, I.R. Bradbury, A.P. Hendry, P. Bentzen, and C. van Oosterhout. 2017. Evolutionary genetics of immunological supertypes reveals two faces of the Red Queen. Nature Communications 8:1294. PDF


2.          Pérez-Jvostov, F., A.P. Hendry, G.F. Fussmann, and M.E. Scott. 2017. Experimental assessment in nature of the ecological effects of a specialist parasite. Copeia 105:494-503. PDF


3.          Gordon, S.P., A.P. Hendry, and D. Reznick. 2017. Predator-induced contemporary evolution, phenotypic plasticity, and the evolution of reaction norms in guppies. Copeia 105:514-522. PDF


4.          Oke, K.B., G. Rolshausen, C. LeBlond, and A.P. Hendry. 2017. How parallel is parallel evolution? A comparative analysis in fishes. American Naturalist 190:1-16. PDF


5.          Jacquin, L., C. Dybwad, G. Rolshausen, A.P. Hendry, and S.M. Reader. 2017. Evolutionary and immediate effects of crude-oil pollution: depression of exploratory behaviour across populations of Trinidadian guppies. Animal Cognition 20:97-108. PDF


6.          Jacquin, L., S. M. Reader, A. Boniface, J. Mateluna, I. Patalas, F. Pérez-Jvostov, and A.P. Hendry. 2016. Parallel and non-parallel behavioural evolution in response to parasitism and predation in Trinidadian guppies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29:1406-1422. PDF


7.          Pérez-Jvostov, F., A.P. Hendry, G.F. Fussmann, and M.E. Scott. 2016. An experimental test of antagonistic effects of competition and parasitism on host performance in semi-natural mesocosms. Oikos 125:790-796. PDF


8.          Dargent, F., G. Rolshausen, A.P. Hendry, M. E. Scott, and G. F. Fussmann. 2016. Parting ways: parasite release in nature leads to sex-specific evolution of defense. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29:23–34. PDF


9.          Rolshausen, G., D.A.T. Phillip, D.M. Beckles, A. Akbari, S. Ghoshal, P.B. Hamilton, C.R. Tyler, A.G. Scarlett, I. Ramnarine, P. Bentzen, and A.P. Hendry. 2015. Do stressful conditions make adaptation difficult? Guppies in the oil-polluted environments of southern Trinidad. Evolutionary Applications 8:854–870. PDF


10.      Pérez-Jvostov, F., A.P. Hendry, G.F. Fussmann, and M.E. Scott. 2015. Testing for host-parasite local adaptation: an experiment with Gyrodactylus ectoparasites and guppy hosts. International Journal of Parasitology 45:409–417. PDF


11.      Gotanda, K.M., and A.P. Hendry. 2014. Using adaptive traits to consider potential consequences of temporal variation in selection: male guppy colour through time and space. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 112:108-122. PDF


12.      Dargent, F., M.E. Scott, A.P. Hendry, and G.F. Fussmann. 2013. Experimental elimination of parasites in nature leads to the evolution of increased resistance in hosts. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences 280:20132371. PDF


Dargent, F., M. E. Scott, A. P. Hendry, and G. F. Fussmann. 2014. Experimental evolution of parasite resistance in wild guppies: natural and multifarious selection. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences 281: 20141820. PDF


13.      Gotanda, K.M., L.C. DeLaire, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, F. Pérez-Jvostov, F. Dargent, P. Bentzen, M.E. Scott, G.F. Fussmann, and A.P. Hendry. 2013. Adding parasites to the guppy-predation story: insights from field surveys. Oecologia 172:155-166. PDF


14.      Pérez-Jvostov, F., A.P. Hendry, G.F. Fussmann, and M.E. Scott. 2012. Are host-parasite interactions influenced by adaptation to predators? A test with guppies and Gyrodactylus in experimental stream channels. Oecologia 170:77-88. PDF


15.      Millar, N.P., and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Population divergence of private and non-private signals in wild guppies. Environmental Biology of Fishes 94:513-525. PDF


16.      Easty, L.K., A.K. Schwartz, S.P. Gordon, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Does sexual selection evolve following introduction to new environments? Animal Behavior 82:1085-1095. PDF


17.      McKellar, A.E., and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Environmental factors influencing adult sex ratio in Poecilia reticulata: laboratory experiments. Journal of Fish Biology 79:937-953. PDF


18.      Weese, D.J., A.K. Schwartz, P. Bentzen, A.P. Hendry, and M.T. Kinnison. 2011. Eco-evolutionary effects on population recovery following catastrophic disturbance. Evolutionary Applications 4:354-366. PDF


19.      Schwartz, A.K., D.J. Weese, P. Bentzen, M.T. Kinnison, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Both geography and ecology contribute to mating isolation in guppies. PLoS ONE 5:e15659. PDF


20.      Labonne, J., and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Natural selection can giveth and taketh away reproductive barriers: models of population divergence in guppies. American Naturalist 176:26-39. PDF


21.      Weese, D., S. Gordon, A.P. Hendry, and M.T. Kinnison. 2010. Spatiotemporal variation in linear natural selection on body color in wild guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Evolution 64:1802-1815. PDF


22.      Schwartz, A.K., and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Testing the influence of local forest canopy clearing on phenotypic variation in Trinidadian guppies. Functional Ecology 24:354–364. PDF


23.      Gordon, S.P., D.N. Reznick, M.T. Kinnison, M.J. Bryant, D.J. Weese, K. Räsänen, N.P. Millar, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Adaptive changes in life history and survival following a new guppy introduction. American Naturalist 174:34-45. PDF


24.      McKellar, A.E., M.M. Turcotte, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Environmental factors influencing adult sex ratio in Trinidadian guppies. Oecologia 159:735-745. PDF


25.      Karim, N., S.P. Gordon, A.K. Schwartz, and A.P. Hendry. 2007. This is not déjà vu all over again: male guppy colour in a new experimental introduction. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20:1339-1350. PDF


26.      Schwartz, A.K., and A.P. Hendry. 2007. A test for the parallel co-evolution of male colour and female preference in Trinidadian guppies. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9:71-90. PDF


27.      Schwartz, A.K., and A.P. Hendry. 2006. Sexual selection and the detection of ecological speciation. Evolutionary Ecology Research 8:399-413. PDF


28.      Hendry, A.P., M.L. Kelly, M.T. Kinnison, and D.N. Reznick. 2006. Parallel evolution of the sexes? Effects of predation and habitat features on the size and shape of wild guppies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19:741-754. PDF


29.      Crispo, E, P. Bentzen, D.N. Reznick, M.T. Kinnison, and A.P. Hendry. 2006. The relative influence of natural selection and geography on gene flow in guppies. Molecular Ecology. PDF


30.      Millar, N.M., D.N. Reznick, M.T. Kinnison, and A.P. Hendry. 2006. Disentangling the selective factors that act on male coloration in wild guppies. Oikos 113:1-12. PDF


31.      Patterson, I. G., E. Crispo, A. P. Hendry, M. T. Kinnison, and P. Bentzen. 2005. Characterization of tetranucleotide microsatellite markers in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Molecular Ecology Notes 5:269-271. (Primer note)



An ode to guppy sex by Nate Millar, a former Master’s student in my lab.

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