Anthony Ricciardi, Professor
Invasion Ecology & Aquatic Ecosystems

Redpath Museum & McGill School of Environment
McGill University

Home Page

Research Interests

Curriculum Vitae


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Media Coverage

Invasive Species
   Dreissena bugensis
   Echinogammarus ischnus
   Dreissena polymorpha
   Lophopodella carteri
   Neogobius melanostomus
   Cercopagis pengoi
   Limnoperna fortunei
   Hemimysis anomala
   Petromyzon marinus
   VHS virus

Lab News

Petromyzon marinus

The invasion of the parasitic sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus (shown attached to a lake trout in the photo) led to the collapse of native lake trout Salvelinus namaycush populations in the upper Great Lakes during the mid-20th century.  It may also have contributed to the extinction of at least one endemic fish, the deepwater cisco Coregonus johannae.

(Photo by U.S Fish & Wildlife Service)