Anthony Ricciardi, Professor Redpath
& McGill School of Environment |
Page Research Interests Curriculum Vitae Students Selected Publications Media Coverage Invasive Species Lab News |
Montreal Gazette (newspaper), 17 November 2022: "Freshwater biodiversity loss has been out of sight, out of mind". Op-ed article. The Conversation, 12 October 2022: "Ballast water management is reducing the flow of invasive species into the Great Lakes". CBC News (online news), 8 October 2022: "Invasive zebra mussels discovered in St. John River watershed in Quebec". Op-ed article. Canadian Geographic (magazine), 29 April 2022: "Space invasion: Is it too late to save the Great Lakes?". Scientific American (magazine), 23 March 2022: "Supersized Goldfish Could Become Superinvaders". Gizmodo, 21 February 2022: "We’re not prepared for contamination between worlds". The Independent (online news), 29 November 2021: "Aliens could come to Earth by travelling back on our own spacecraft, scientists warn". Ars Technica, 18 November 2021: "We know what invasive species can do on Earth—what about in space?". The Guardian, 8 July 2020: "Playing the hand of God': scientists' experiment aims to help trees survive climate change". Radio-Canada, 27 February 2020: "Microplastiques: le Saint-Laurent serait un des cours d’eau les plus pollués au monde". Quebec Science (magazine), 7 February 2020: "Microplastiques: le Saint-Laurent serait un des cours d’eau les plus pollués au monde". Pique Newsmagazine, 1 December 2019: "Little bits, big problem". Le Soleil de Chateauguay (newspaper), 15 November 2019: "La tanche, une autre espèce envahissante dans nos eaux". Montreal Gazette (newspaper), 31 August 2019: "Battling the tench fish invasion: 'Like Game of Thrones under water'". EOS, 12 September 2019: "Is Chicago Water Pollution Halting a Silver Carp Invasion?". New York Times (newspaper), 25 April 2019: "Can humans help trees outrun climate change?". NPR Buffalo (WBFO88.7) (online news), 15 Feb 2019: "Will tench be next Great Lakes invasive species problem?". CBC Radio, 27 April 2019: Interview for the science show Quirks & Quarks regarding invasive species originating from Canada. Global News (online news), 3 August 2018: "Invasive Zebra mussels reach Lac Memphramagog". CBC Radio-Canada (online news), 13 April 2018: "Les espèces envahissantes, une menace écologique et économique". The New Yorker (magazine), 11 Sept 2017: "Cancer's Invasion Equation". Le Devoir (newspaper), 17 August 2017: "La pollution plastique dans nos assiettes". PhD student Genevieve D'Avignon interviewed about microplastics in fish. Le Soleil (newspaper), 10 June 2017: "L'envahisseur envahi". (online news), 7 May 2017: "5 big threats in the fight against invasive species". The Ottawa Citizen (newspaper), 28 February 2017: " Why alien species can have catastrophic economic consequences". Youtube, 5 December 2016: Globally accelerating rates of invasion as a sustainability issue. A 4-min lighting talk for McGill's Sustainability Sciences and Technologies Initiative. Science (magazine), 11 August 2016: "Relocating Australian tortoise sets controversial precedent". The Montreal Gazette (newspaper), 8 July 2016: "Banning microbeads from cosmetics is not enough". Op-ed article. CTV News (television), 6 June 2016: "Asian carp discovered in St Lawrence concerns biologists.". CBC News (online news), 6 June 2016: "Why the discovery of a grass carp in the St. Lawrence River concerns experts.". Financial Times (London) (magazine), 16 May 2016: "Invasive species: the battle to beat the bugs". CBC Radio, 18 April 2016: Interview for Daybreak
(Montreal) regarding microplastic pollution legislation. CBC Radio, 18 April 2016: Interview for Quebec
AM (Quebec City) regarding microplastic pollution
legislation. La Presse (newspaper), 17 April 2016: "Microbilles
dans le fleuve: une contamination sous-estimée".
video documentary. The Montreal Gazette (newspaper), 23 February 2016: "Zika and the Age of Global Swarming". Op-ed article. The Economist (magazine), 31 July 2015: "Pollution in the Great Lakes - Evil orbs". CBC News (online news), 17 July 2015: "Microplastics at 'alarming levels' in Canadian lakes and rivers". CBC Radio, April 2015: Interview for the show The Afternoon Edition regarding microplastic pollution in fresh waters. Le Devoir (newspaper), 25 March 2015: "Conservateurs et néodémocrates unis contre les microbilles". News about recent legislative action against plastic microbeads, referencing our work in the St Lawrence River. Radio-Canada, 26 October 2014: Rowshyra Castaneda's interview for the science show Les Années lumière regarding our research on microplastics in the St. Lawrence River. CBC Radio, 26 October 2014: Interview for the show All in a Weekend regarding invasive species in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River system. CTV News (television), 13 October 2014: "Microplastics found in sediment from the St. Lawrence, a worrisome first". CBC Radio, 4 October 2014: Interview for the science show Quirks & Quarks regarding microplastic pollution in the St. Lawrence River. Washington Post (newspaper/internet), 29 September 2014: "Plastic microbeads from face wash are polluting river sediment". CBC Radio, 27 September 2014: Interview for CBC News - The World at Six, regarding microbeads in the St. Lawrence River. CBC News (television), 26 September 2014: "Plastic microbeads polluting St. Lawrence River, McGill researchers find". La Presse (newspaper), 24 September 2014: "Saint-Laurent: des polluants jamais recensés en eau douce". Time (magazine), 17 July 2014: "Invasive Species, Coming Soon to a Habitat Near You". Télé-Québec (television), 17 March 2014: Documentary on our microplastics research in the St. Lawrence River, aired by Le Code Chastenay. Radio Canada International, 2 February 2014: PhD student Katie Pagnucco's interview about invasive threats to the Great Lakes, based on a new paper that will be published in the Journal of Great Lakes Research. McGill Reporter (newspaper), 13 June 2013: Four Burning Questions. Canal Savoir (television), spring 2013: Broadcast of a lecture entitled Biological Invasions – The Ecological and Societal Impacts of Non-native Species, which was part of the McGill's 2013 Cutting Edge Lecture series. View podcast Global Television, 26 October 2012: Interview for "16:9" documentary on Foreign Fish. CBC Radio, 19 October 2012: Interview for the show "The Current" regarding the ethical implications of assisted migration. The Globe and Mail (newspaper): "From
global swarming to butt-kicking bugs",
by Suzanne Bowness (20 April 2012). The Scientist (magazine): "Antarctic
Invasion", by Megan Scudellari (5
March 2012). "Invasive
species turn parasites into hosts", by
Jessica Marshall (Nature, 15 February 2012).
Comments on an unusual interaction between an Asian
mussel and a freshwater fish, both introduced to
northern Europe. Great Lakes Echo (internet), 8 November 2011: Article on the bloody red mysid, a recent animal invader of the Great Lakes. Science Daily (magazine), 1 April 2011: "Manage biological invasions like natural disasters, biologists say". In reference to our BioScience article. Montreal Gazette (newspaper
article & video),
16 October 2010: "Battle for the river bed" (by
Donna Nebenzahl). Regarding invasions in the St.
Lawrence River. "Home,
Home Outside the Range?", by Richard
Stone (Science, 24 Sept 2010). The assisted
colonization debate revisited. "Confronting
the Biodiversity Crisis", by Hannah
Hoag (Nature Reports Climate Change, 5 May 2010).
More discussion on assisted colonization. (internet),
10 June 2010: "Invasive species: A battle on
many fronts". Documentary film: "Lake
Invaders: the Fight for Lake Huron",
by John Schmit, Grand Valley State University, released
February 2010. Broadcast on PBS television in April
2010. Canal Savoir (television), 14 December 2009: Broadcast of a lecture entitled Global Swarming: How invasive species are changing the world, which was part of the McGill's 2009 Mini-Enviro public lecture series. View podcast CBC News (television), 28 July 2009: Interview for The National regarding the assisted migration of species. CTV News (television), 15 June 2009: Interview regarding species invasions and extinctions. Agence Science-Presse (internet), 10 June 2009: "La Grande Invasion". Inter Press Service News Agency (internet), 21 May 2009: "Alien species eroding ecosystems and livelihoods". Yale Environment 360 (internet), 20 April 2009: "As climate warms, species may need to migrate or perish". New York Times (newspaper), 8 September 2008: "Friendly invaders". CBC Newsworld (television), 23 July 2008: Interview for CBC News: Today regarding the translocation of species threatened by climate change. CBC Radio, 24 July 2008: Interview for the show "The Current" regarding the translocation of species threatened by climate change. Canwest News (internet),
12 May 2008: "Great Lakes monitoring groups
announce new rules to stop invasive species." Montreal Gazette (newspaper), 10 May 2008:
"Invaders clog our seaway." American Museum of Natural History, short documentary film: "Invasive Species", November 2007. Accompanying AMNH Essay: "Chasing Invaders on a Water Planet" CBC Radio (St. John's, Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Whitehorse, Vancouver), 6 August 2007. Interviews regarding invasive species in Canada. CBC News (internet), 4 June 2007: "Alien invasion - Arrival of foreign species into native ecosystems a worldwide problem". The Globe and Mail (newspaper, op-ed article), 16 May 2007: "Controlling global swarming". Columbus Dispatch (newspaper), 18 March 2007: "Tiny shrimp is newest threat to Great Lakes". Science News (magazine), 13 January 2007: "Alien alert: shrimpy invader raises big concerns". Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (newspaper), 21 Dec 2006: "Shrimp joins Great Lakes invader list". Corporate Knights (magazine), October 2006: "Alien invasion". Toronto Star (newspaper), 18 August 2006: "Ottawa chastised on Great Lakes' ballast rules". Windsor Star (newspaper), 3 June 2006: "Coalition of scientists tackles lake invaders". Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (newspaper), 16 May 2006: "A new invasion: quaggas take over Lake Michigan". Duluth News Tribune (newspaper), 25 Dec 2005: "So long, Salties?". Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (newspaper), 31 Oct 2005: "Noxious cargo". Great Lakes Radio Consortium (internet radio), 10 Oct 2005: "Top ten threats to the Great Lakes: Predicting new invaders". Canadian Sailings (magazine), 25 July 2005: "Ballast
exchange proves insufficient to halt invasive
species". Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (newspaper), 18 Dec 2004: "Sea of change". The Globe and Mail (newspaper), 2 Oct 2004: "Perch add junk-food mussels to their diet". Montreal Gazette (newspaper), 29 Sept 2004: "Perch acquire taste for toxin-infested mussels". Science Daily (magazine), 29 Sept 2004: "A fishy change in diet: McGill research shows fish eating junk food.". St. Catharines Standard (newspaper), 3 July 2004: "Just the tip of the invasion". Canadian Sailings (magazine), 10 May 2004: "Scientists ring alarm regarding invasive species" CBC/Radio-Canada (television), 7 Sept 2003: Interview for science program Découverte regarding West Nile virus and invasive species. CBC Radio, 9 July 2003: Interview regarding 'alien species' in Canada. Toronto Star (newspaper), 5 July 2003: "Alien species invasion threatens Great Lakes". St. Catherines Standard (newspaper), 19 June 2003: "Meltdown of the lakes". Maclean's (magazine), 2 June 2003: "An Erie decline". Canadian Sailings (magazine), 3 March 2003. "Canada's voluntary ballast treatment program contains too many flaws." CTV News (television), 3 Jan 2003: Interview regarding synergistic impacts of aquatic invasions. Canadian Wildlife (magazine), Winter 2003: "Clear and present danger". CBC News (television), 13 Aug 2002: Interview regarding replacement of zebra mussels by another invasive mussel in the St. Lawrence River. Discovery Channel (television), 22 May 2001: Interview regarding alien seaweed invasion of Nova Scotia coast. CBC Radio, 14 May 2001: Interview regarding biological invasions on the Atlantic coast. National Post (newspaper), 30 Aug 2000: "Aliens help each other successfully invade Great Lakes". Detroit News (newspaper), 30 Aug 2000: "Great Lakes invaders on the rise". Michigan Live (internet), 25 Aug 2000: "Any effort to stop lake invaders will help, scientist says". USA Today (newspaper), 10 April 2000. "River changes come at cost to wildlife". C-Span (television), 10 April 2000. "Endangered Rivers". The Holland Sentinel (newspaper), 9 Mar 2000. "Invaders driving Great Lakes wildlife to extinction."
Michigan Live (internet), 3 Mar 2000. "Great Lakes in 'invasional meltdown', experts say." Halifax Chronicle Herald (newspaper), 20 Feb 2000: "Freshwater animals' extinction rate rivals rainforest's". Florida Environment (radio), 3 Jan 2000: "Foreseeing freshwater extinctions." Earthwatch Radio, 29 Nov 1999: "Farewell to freshwater fauna." Ottawa Citizen (internet), 22 Nov 1999: "Dozens of species threatened by not-so-freshwater". Environmental News Network (internet), 16 Oct 1999: "Freshwater species in peril, study finds". New Scientist (magazine), 9 Oct 1999: "Going, going...". Newsweek (internet), 6 Oct 1999: "Fragile fish". Discovery (internet), 6 Oct 1999: "Freshwater animals in dire straits". BBC News (internet), 5 Oct 1999: "Extinction warning for freshwater species". The Globe and Mail (newspaper), 4 Oct 1999: "Freshwater species heading extinction". Science Daily (magazine), 30 Sept 1999: "Mass extinction of freshwater species in North America". Montreal Gazette (newspaper), 23 July 1996: "Scientists seek ways to delay zebra mussel invasion". Detroit News (newspaper), 6 June 1996: "Sponge squeezing out mussels". |